Fun Enduro
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Fun Endurohas been tested - successfully - with the following sensors.
- wahoo (must be 'speed' model not 'cadence')
- xoss (must be 'speed' model not 'cadence')
- cycplus (must be 'speed' model not 'cadence')

If you use other sensors, please provide feedback to the developer.

Using Bluetooth
- purchase of a speed sensor is required
- follow setup instructions from the manufacturer of the sensor
- securely mount the sensor to the hub of the front wheel
- if not waterproof, seal the sensor with duct or electrical tape

Starting Bluetooth-
- Turn on bluetooth using iPhone's settings - Settings...Bluetooth...Push slider to ON
Most bluetooth sensors do not transmit if they have been stationary for several minutes.
- Roll the front wheel through one revolution to activate the sensor.
- open the app, make sure Bluetooth is ON in the apps' setup page
- go to 'GO' tab
The sensor should connect automatically. Special 'Pairing' is not required.
In the app you will get confirmation of the sensor model number on the bottom of the 'GO' page
If there are several riders nearby with Bluetooth sensors, you may need to separate from them
- if necessary allow about twenty feet of separation from other riders.

If the above steps do not get you connected - do the following
- turn off the app
- turn off bluetooth in iPhone settings.
- activate the sensor (roll your wheel) - sensor will start blinking
- start the app, make sure bluetooth button is on in app
- go to 'GO' page.
You will receive a system dialog box telling you to turn on blue tooth, with two choices 'OK' and 'Settings'
Choose 'Settings', iPhone settings will open, turn bluetooth on, close settings,
return to app - you're good to go

Mileage Accuracy
In some locations GPS may provide acceptable accuracy in tracking mileage taveled.
For best accuracy use of a Bluetooth sensor is recommended.
When using Bluetooth it is important that the wheel circumference is entered accurately.
Whether using Bluetooth or GPS, rider input can help to assure that displayed mileage remains accurate.
Whenever the club posts a mileage on a turn, gas stop, reset, etc. - use the swipe feature to tweak the
displayed mileage to agree with the posted value.
For example - at a gas stop. It can take some 'riding around' to locate your gas can.
When ready to leave the gas stop, swipe left or right until displayed mileage is exactly equal to gas stop mileage.
At resets, free times and gas stops - always take advantage of the opportunity to tweak mileage to the exact
mileage shown on the route sheet.

Wheel Circumference
Just as with an electronic odometer, when using a bluetooth sensor, the wheel circmference must be known by the
app in order to calculate and display distance travelled. CheckPoint Two requires user to input wheel
circumference on the setup page - in
milimeters (mm).

Measuring Wheel Circumference
Roll bike forward until valve stem is perfectly at the bottom of the wheel. Put a mark on the ground next to valve stem.
Carefully roll the bike forward in a straight line until the valve stem is again perfectly at the bottom.
Mark the ground again next to the valve stem. Measure the distance between the two marks as wheel circumference.
If you measured in inches, multiply by 25.4 to obtain milimeters.
Example 84.75 inches x 25.4 = 2153 mm. Enter this value on the setup page.

Reset all Data
When you are ready to enter data for a new race, all of the input data from the previous race can
be deleted easily.
On the setup page - select button at bottom right corner of screen.
Data .. Reset.
A dialog box will ask if you are sure - select OK.
All reset, free time, speed changes will be deleted.
Also input data from the setup page will be set back to defaults.

Key Time
The setup page includes a live display of key time. This display should be set to exactly match
the key time displayed at event sign up. Do not adjust key time for your row number. The app will
take care of that. Key time on setup page should EXACTLY match key time dispalyed at sign up.
The app uses your phones system time as the staring point for key time. If the club is using the
time from a reliable source, including perhaps their cell phones, you will most likely not need
to make any adjustments to key time. But if setup page key time does not exactly match the club's
key time - you should make adjustments on the setup page. It should match within one second.
To adjust key time, press the H button to cycle between H (hour), M (minutes), S (seconds) and
adjust as necessary.

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